How did we get here? Not sure ourselves. As of right now, we are nowhere. If no one does something soon, we may be living in Old England, not New England.
But we are together for now and that is all that matters! ("for now" is becoming a shorter length of time)
Met: July 2009 New York
Married 11 November 2011 Newtown, CT
Denied Future Visitation October 2012: New York
Immigration Process Started October 2012


Legal Contact:
Atty. Kevin Dehghani
129 Church St., Suite 225
New Haven, CT 06510
Phone: 1-203-773-9513
kdeghgani ( @ )

Sam  -  Gary
We are not even allowed to just LIVE in the same house together!
The only immigration sponsorship applicable for Sam, under Federal Law, is as Gary’s legal spouse. He is not allowed to sponsor Sam to live together because of current Immigration laws, and compounded, by D.O.M.A.


October 2012 Sam comes to the Unitesd States and is questioned by customs officlaThey allege he has not been visiting, but has been working here illegally. He is told he will not be allowed to return to visit for 10 years. We do understand. There are many peple who say they areworking on finding a plan. It isn’t USICS that makes the law.
October 25th, 2012: Application for Green Card
November 20th, 2012: USCIS send letter with biometrics appointment for Sam
December 5th 2012: APPLICATION DENIED
December 2012: USCIS Deferred Action Request. Staying past three months is violation of Sam’s visitor visa. Read our “Hardship Letters” for this part of the process.

You can read Sam's letter by ckicking HERE (on our Blog. Will open in new window)
You can read Gary's letter by clicking HERE (on our Blog. Will open in new window)

January 2013: 2nd Application for Green Card
January 2013: USCIS send letter with biometrics appointment for Sam
January 2012: 2nd
February 2013: USCIS Board of Immigration Appeal filed. This is to request the Green Card Application be held in abeyance pending SCOTUS ruling on D.O.M.A. in June
March 2013:
MAY 27 2013: Countown to our future has begun. One month from now- we will know is we are allowed to JUST LIVE TOGETHER!


1. If you’re married in Connecticut, why can’t you both live together?  D.O.M.A.
2. Because Sam visited the United States so often, he’s not allowed to visit again? Yes. In October, customs officials told Sam he had visited too often. They believe he was working here illegally and told him he can not return for 10 years. We fully understand that they would think that. MANY people come and go and work here illegally while they can. However, that is not the case with Sam. He has NEVER worked here. He has always been visiting. We have NO legal options for us to reside together or for him to work here. Gary has been working multiple jobs to support them.
3. But wait, you were married here- and are over there- and you can’t just LIVE together? NO. See question 1 above.
4. Would Gary be able to move to Ebland? YES. England recognized Connecticut's marriage license. Gary would be allowed to live in England because he is Sam’s partner. Proof required: CT Marriage license.
5. Why doesn't Gary move to England? You can read reasons why in the letter Gary and Sam had to write to USCIS above (in Timeline).
6. This must make you feel like....Yes, it does. It’s hurts, a lot! You can not imagine what it feels like to be told that, as far as we, the government are concerned, the two of you do not exist. However we do when they take OUR filing fees and Gary’s income taxes, etc. You can also not imagine how this has affected our families and our friends.



1. What does a Deferred Action Denial mean? It means that an application (appeal we made that Sam not be charged with a violationfor overstaying his visa was denied. That was desite a request by Senator Blumenthal that it be held in abeyance (on hold) until DOMA ruling at the end of June. It was also a discretionary decision. This, mind you, is the current administration who is "not defending DOMA".

2. Aren't you married? Yes, and we also have a civil partnership in England. Connecticut and sveral other US states recognize our license, The United Kingdon does, but not the United States.

3. What happened with the Imigration Bill. The LGBT compnen of the billt, which includd us and 35,000 plus US CITIZENS who are in a relationship with someone from another country were "thrown under the bus" so that the bill could move forward. Conservative memebers stated they would NOT allow the aspect of LGBT familes to be included. However, 4 million ILLIEGAL residents of the US now have more prtection and a path to citozenship possible at the expense of American citizens. Yes, read that sentance again. American citizens were denied the right TO LIVE WITH THEIR PARTNERS from another country so that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS could have a chance at citizenship. Make sense to you? No. Imagine how all affected are trying to wrap our thoughts around it all. You can read more about it in a BLOG POST regarding it all titled "Struggle, then "So, you guys doing OK?" by clicking on icon below:

4. Now what will you do? WE WAIT, WE HOPE, AND ....
                                                          "lie in a dreamlike state, and wonder if the fear will go away"


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